Raven's Cry

Raven's Cry is a dark action-adventure that will challenge the image of pirates in popular culture. Game events are seamlessly interwoven with historical ones to create an authentic, thrilling narrative.

How to configure Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection in Windows 8

As malware continues to evolve, more computer infections are starting to use boot drivers to load rootkits and other types of malware early in the boot process. This makes detecting and removing these types of infections much more difficult. Windows 8 includes a very important security feature called Early Launch Anti-malware that allows antivirus programs to scan boot drivers for viruses before they are loaded. If the boot driver that is about to initialize is considered malware the antivirus program can then prevent the malicious driver from loading.

How to disable Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection

A increasingly popular technique for rootkits is to install malicious drivers that start very early in the boot process. Malware launching in this manner makes it very hard to detect or remove infections without using specialized tools and techniques. To combat this, Microsoft has added a new feature to Windows 8 called Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection. This feature allows certified antivirus programs that support early launch to load their own driver before almost all Windows boot drivers.

How to disable the lock screen after waking in Windows 8

When you wake up Windows 8 after it has gone to sleep, you will be presented with the lock screen. You will then have to enter your password to start using Windows 8 again. For those who feel that their computer is in a secure environment, this feature can be annoying as it requires a few extra steps to get back to what you are doing. This tutorial will explain how you can disable the requirement to enter your password when you wake Windows 8.

How to switch between tabs in the Internet Explorer start screen app

In the Internet Explore app on the Windows 8 Start screen you can open different tabs that each contain a different a web page. This allows you to have multiple sites open at the same time that you can switch between as necessary. This tutorial will explain how to create new tabs, remove existing tabs, and switch between tabs in Internet Explorer on the Start Screen.

Clear tile notifications on logout in Windows 8

The Windows 8 Start Screen contains tiles that allow you to launch an associated app. These tiles also have the ability to display notifications containing new information from that particular tiles application. For example, the Weather app will show updated weather information, the Stocks app will show recent stock quotes, and the News app will show the latest news stories.

How to create a command-line toolkit for Windows

If you are a system administrator, IT professional, or a power user it is common to find yourself using the command prompt to perform administrative tasks in Windows. Whether it be copying files, accessing the Registry, searching for files, or modifying disk partitions, command-line tools can be faster and more powerful than their graphical alternatives. This tutorial will walk you through creating a command-line toolkit that contains useful programs and utilities that can make administering and using your computer easier and more efficient.

How to enable the F8 key to start Safe Mode in Windows 8

Windows 8 introduced a new boot loader that decreased the time that it takes Windows 8 to start. Unfortunately, in order to do this Microsoft needed to remove the ability to access the Advanced Boot Options screen when you press the F8 key when Windows starts.

How to sign in directly to the Windows 8.1 desktop

One of the biggest issues many people have had with Windows 8 is that it automatically logs you into the Windows 8 Start screen rather than the traditional Windows desktop. For those people who do not want to use the Start screen and instead work off the desktop this change has been very frustrating. If this has been an issue for you, Windows 8.1 allows you to skip the Start screen and boot directly into the desktop.


From acclaimed game design studio Mojang (the creative force behind Minecraft,) Scrolls offers a new and unique game play style where you fight to outmaneuver your opponent on the battlefield using the destructive powers in your collection of magical scrolls. Tear your opponent limb from limb with the might of your summoned armies, lay waste to the defenses with the obliterating power of your siege weapons or open up the very skies and let bolts of lightning shower his minions until only ash remains. The road to victory is yours to choose. Obtain the powerful scrolls and decide which ones you will take to battle as you fight to become the mightiest Magician of all.